The SECRET to Self-Publishing (it's not what you think)


99% of this business is MARKETING

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Marketing Tips for Self-Published Authors

The SECRET to Self-Publishing Success

I’m not going to tease you and tell you some long story before I tell you my secret. And the truth is that it’s not even a secret at all. It’s just a simple strategy that is very effective and it’s something that I rarely see taught and I think that a lot of people are missing out on this “secret”.

And that’s to write your book in such a way that you get some kind of benefit EVEN IF YOU GIVE THE BOOK AWAY.

Why would you want to give your book away? Isn’t the entire goal of self-publishing to sell books and make money? Well, yes, sort of.

But not exclusively.

Being able to run promotions where you can offer your book for significant discounts or even get your book into people’s hands for free can be amazing ways to use your book as part of your business.

So, what are some of these ‘other benefits’ that we can get from our book other than direct royalties?

How about collecting email addresses to build your own email newsletter?

Or get people to join your online group or community.

Or even just for people to follow you on various social media platforms.

These are all ways that allow you to directly interact with your readers and customers. You can let them know about special deals on your book or if you have any other products or offers. And you can now let them know when your next book is coming out and generate some excitement and pre-orders.

Just make it easy for them. Use short, easy-to-read links or scannable QR codes. Put these near the beginning of the book and not at the end (because not everyone will get to the end of your book).

And definitely incentivize these things. For example, you could offer a BONUS CHAPTER as a PDF or an exclusive MEMBERS-ONLY VIDEO when they join your email list.

When you publish your book through KDP, you’ll have the promotional option to make your Kindle book FREE and it’s a lot easier to get people to download a free book compared to making a purchase, especially if you are new or if they don’t really know you yet. And if you’ve structured your book strategically and give it away to enough people, you’re going to grow your email list and get new followers all without spending a dime.

And since the printing costs with KDP are also so low that you could even offer your printed book for sale with a free + shipping offer and get your physical book delivered to someone’s door without it costing you a thing. You'll probably even make a few bucks from your 'free book offer'.

To me, this is where the real power of self-publishing with KDP really lies. Use your book strategically in your business and structure it in a way that you get some benefits even if you just give your book away.

Make sense? Let me know if you have questions.

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99% of this business is MARKETING

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